Program Search & schedule registration system "My Schedule" is the 44th Japan Intensive Care Medicine Annual Meeting mobile application for.
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「My Schedule」は、第44回日本集中治療医学会学術集会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学術集会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。[第44回日本集中治療医学会学術集会 開催概要] 会 期:2017年3月9日(木)~11日(土) 会 場:ロイトン札幌・さっぽろ芸文館・札幌市教育文化会館・札幌プリンスホテル(国際館パミール)---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 44th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, find information on the sessions, and plan your entire visit with the official JSICM44 mobile app! This new mobile app features everything you need to know about the 44th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, in the palm of your hand.App features include: + View the detailed congress program, complete with session descriptions and schedules. + Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type or title. + See the list of speakers and find the sessions they will present. + Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule during the Congress. + Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensive updates on JSICM44.[The 44th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine] Dates: March 9th – March 11th, 2017 Venue: Royton Sapporo, Sapporo Geibunkan, Sapporo Education and Culture Hall, Sapporo Prince Hotel, International Convention Center Pamir---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワン Search & schedule registration system "My Schedule" is the 44th Japan Intensive Care Medicine Annual Meeting mobile application for.By registering to search for sessions and presentations you want to attend as your schedule, the original calendar, you can create during the annual meeting period.[44th Japan Intensive Care Medicine Annual Meeting held Summary Kai Period: 2017 March 9 (Thursday) to 11 days (Sat) Venue: Royton Sapporo, Sapporo art and literature museum, Sapporo Education and Culture Hall, Sapporo Prince Hotel (International Convention Center Pamir)-------------------------------------------------- -------------------Get the very latest news on the 44th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, find information on the sessions, and plan your entire visit with the official JSICM44 mobile app! This new mobile app features everything you need to know about the 44th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, in the palm of your hand.App features include: + View the detailed congress program, complete with session descriptions and schedules. + Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type or title. + See the list of speakers and find the sessions they will present. + Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule during the Congress. + Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensive updates on JSICM44.[The 44th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine] Dates: March 9th - March 11th, 2017 Venue: Royton Sapporo, Sapporo Geibunkan, Sapporo Education and Culture Hall, Sapporo Prince Hotel, International Convention Center Pamir-------------------------------------------------- -------------------The developer of this application, sales / support is as follows.[Development and sales / support]Co., Ltd. MICE One